Tuesday 16 September 2008

we're in the zine fair

just got an email of the Handmade & Bound cats;

"Hi Peter, 

Are you still interested in a stall at the Handmade & Bound fair? If so, we would like to have 'The Jungle Club' there. Stalls are £15 and all the books have to be handmade and affordable. You can also being related handmade prints and badges + t-shirts.

We would like all participants to make flyers and posters for the event, which we can put up on the website as PDF or jpg downloads. We will also be asking people to pay up front to avoid people dropping out / empty stalls on the day with us having to pay for the venue out of our own pockets

Look forward to hear from you.



we're in. i guess we can discuss plans, etc at the Jungle meeting. rad. 

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